I am here to inform you a good news about the Lottery game that was played for you with your screen name from our computer
because all Deaf’s and Hearing email address is on our computer,You are so lucky to win the sum of $200,000 thousand us dollar’s with a brand new 2012 range rover sport jeep from the Lottery game that was played for you..
reply back with your Full name, e-mail address and your home address now so that you can have your $200,000 us dollar’s cash with your brand new 2012 range rover sport jeep delivered to you at your house front door,I am so happy for you once again. reply us back now so that you can have your money $200,000 cash and your brand new 2012 range rover sport jeep from us right away as soon as we have your Full name, e-mail address and your home address from you.
We wish to inform you that your payment of USD$5.3 Million from the United nation peace fund released and ready to be paid to you via ATM VISA CARD which you will use to withdraw the US$5.3 Million from any ATM Machine in any part of the world.
We have mandated the Europe Bank Espana Madrid Spain, to issue an ATM VISA CARD and PIN #which you will use to withdraw the fund from any ATM machine in any part of the world .
You are strongly advice immediately to contact the bank officer with this information and they will tell you how you will recieves your ATM card. You are advice to call them for confirmation.
On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Holt Von Kleist.I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter was returned undelivered.
I am here to inform you a good news about the Lottery game that was played for you with your screen Name from our computer
I hereby attempt to reach you again by this as a private seach that we have made to locate you. I wish to notify you that Late Holt Von Kleist made you a beneficiary in his WILL.
Please if I reach you as I am hopeful, endeavor to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job.I hope to hear from you in no distant time.
I await your prompt response and please keep this very discrete and to yourselfuntil the transfer of the funds to you is finalised.
I’m Celia Toto, I work for the USA Most Awareness CO and i am from Texas. I am sending this message from our head office here in Ca . I’m here to deliver a message to you.
I’m here to inform you that you luckily won the USA http://hookupdate.net/de/joingy-review/ Most Awareness CO for this month and the USA Most Awareness CO as approved to give you the sum of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. I need you to give me your full name and home address and i promise you that FedEx will be there at your house front door to deliver your money FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS to you.Ticket number: P987456324890 23 with serial number 09675 drew the winning: //
I am here to inform you a good news about the Lottery game that was played for you with your screen name from our computer
because all Deafs email address is on our computer..You are so lucky to win the sum of $150,000,00 thousand U.S dollar’s from the Lottery game that was play for you.. so reply back with your Full name and address now so that you can have your $150,000,00 cash. I am so happy for you once again.